QInstruments heater cooler ColdPlate™ drives highly accurate temperature control for the most demanding lab applications.
Easy to integrate into all laboratory automation systems
QInstruments unveils the new ColdPlate™ for heating and cooling of ANSI/SLAS footprint microplates. The ColdPlate™ easily integrates with any of the standard automated liquid handling platforms on the market to increase consistency, walkaway time and overall workflow efficiency in a wide variety of temperature-dependent applications.
The ColdPlate™ offers a broad operating range of -10°C up to +99°C, while its sturdy construction includes heat-resistant and fireproof materials, cable insulation, and a built-in drain to collect and manage condensation. Unique and efficient design combined with the most compact housing result in beautiful and well-defined laboratory equipment. Therefore, the first-class finished aluminum housing gives the ColdPlate its essential functionality. It provides a high amount of security, device stability and ensures a long service life.
The ColdPlate™ is also available in a slim version. Thanks to the new slim design, this product line can also be perfectly installed in height-limited life science instruments. It is suitable for retrofitting or upgrading existing lab devices with needs of accurate cooling control. The flat design with a height of only 45 mm is very compact and minimalist to protect your samples during sensitive procedures.
Along with QInstruments's endless combination of on-deck tools, the ColdPlate™ enables researchers to focus on expanding their research boundaries.