
Professional heater-cooler thermoblock

Order nr. 2016-0110

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Aluminium-20°C-20 to 99°CAdapterMicroplatesPCRDeep WellTubesVials

Key Benefits

If you need to quickly and precisely control of the temperature processes on a robotic deck – go no further. The Heater-Cooler thermoblock provides highly accurate temperature control for the most demanding robotics applications. The module is only slightly larger than a standard microplate. Fully adjustable between -20°C and +99.9°C and well beyond the cooling & heating accuracies of most other brands, ColdPlate guarantees excellent temperature control for tubes, glass vials or microplates. 

Small. Light. Efficient. Quiet.
  • Cooling & Heating in one unit
  • Fully adjustable between -20° to 99.9°C
  • Temperature range 25 K below RT, max: 99.9 °C
  • Cooling/Heating speed 12 K/min above RT
  • Perfected thermo adapters
  • First-class aluminium housing
  • All parts inside
  • Simple start-up
  • Long life time warranty


Save time.

By combining the cooling and heating operation in one unit, reaction process times and operator workload are reduced and efficiency of many procedures is increased, resulting in a higher throughput.

The first-class finished aluminium housing gives the ColdPlate its essential functionality. It provides a high amount of security, device stability and ensures a long service life.


First-class finished aluminium housing

Unique and efficient design combined with the most compact housing result in beautiful and well-defined laboratory equipment. Therefore, the first-class finished aluminium housing gives the ColdPlate its essential functionality. It provides a high amount of security, device stability and ensures a long service life.

Safety of the user and ease of use are clearly a priority.


Using a combination of powerful heat pipe and peltier element 

Many lab experiments require fast heating and cooling steps in a very accurate manner in range of -20 up to 99.9°C. Precise temperature control is achieved for the ColdPlate by using optimally balanced cooling and heating elements. The novel peltier technology in combination with minimized electronics and reliable algorithms ensure a long useful life in each lab automation project.

ColdPlate is the ideal device to accurately set and maintain temperatures. The module is only slightly larger than a standard microplate. Fully adjustable between -20°C and 99.9°C and well beyond the cooling & heating accuracies of most other brands, ColdPlate guarantees excellent temperature control for microplates, tubes and vials.

All parts are inside the unit, no external components are necessary, only a PC is needed for controlling.

Temperatures are selectable from -20°C to 99.9°C in steps of 0.1°C. The nominal regulation accuracy is better than ±0.1°C with a uniformity of temperature distribution better than ±0.7°C at 4°C across the cooling surface.

Exchangeable thermo adapter plates and thermal blocks enable a perfect adaptation to microplates, tubes or glass vials.


Simple status monotoring

CopldPlate has advanced internal algorithms and sensors integrated for monitoring operating parameters and error detection. Any errors are sending out via RS232 communication interface. Those are easier to detect and localize.

To improve the functional testing during installation and visualizing the operating status the ColdPlate is equipped with one integrated LED indication light in front.

The indication light allow a quick function test and error control. This have a green and red status that light up either, or are disabled. In case of failure, the error list should read out via RS232 command, to help detect the error more precisely.


For a wide range of applications

The ColdPlate elm comes with a variety of standardized and specific thermo adapter plates. The replacement of the adapters are very simple.

Perfect shaped adapters allow an optimal fit for standard tubes, lysis tubes, microplates, glass vials and other sample vessels. An excellent temperature uniformity and homogeneity is guaranteed for all samples.


Simple intuitive integration in robots and programming

The ColdPlate can be operated via RS232 or USB user interface. An automatic initialization will start after turn on.

A simple command set allows you to easily control hardware and sensors. The process parameters are constantly controlled and read out. This ensures a maximum of operating security also in the unmonitored continuous operation.

QInstruments provides approved SILA® drivers for all BioShake units.


High-end instruments for daily routine

A perfectly harmonious blend of high-tech and handmade. "Made in Germany" has always been a recipe for success for QInstruments. 100% of QInstruments production takes place in Germany.

The focus is on human diligence and on being environmentally friendly. The company upholds its quality guarantee by means of consistent quality management. For more than 15 years these lab automation professionals from Jena have used only high-quality materials to ensure sustainable production, applied innovative thinking and undertaken research in a future-oriented way – all as a matter of course.


The ColdPlate is also available in the slim version. 

Due to the new slim construction of the housing, this product line can be mounted in almost any life science instrument too.
It is suitable for retrofitting or upgrading existing lab devices with needs of accurate cooling control.

The flat design with a height of only 45 mm is compact and minimalistic to protect your samples during sensitive procedures at all times. 

Contact us to bring your cooling projects to life with our innovation!

Temperature profile

Here we present an example showing the time-temperature chart with heat-up rates, holding times and cooling rates.

Test equipment and setup
1   Control Computer (Microsoft Surface Book)
2   Multichannel Thermometer and Datalogger (Testo 735-2)
3   Needle Probe (Testo 06280027, next calibration 04/03/19)
4   Testo Comfort-Software X35 V3.4, HTerm  |  Python 3.7.2
5  BioShake adapter #2016-1041 |  PCR plate . 96 well  
ID: 0802-21-75-03  |  with 2x measurement holes d1.4 mm
6   ColdPlate  art no.: 2016-0110-00  |  serial no.: 12223

Thermo adapter plates

MicroplatesAll microplates according SBS format
4-, 6-, 8-, 12-, 24-, 48-, 96-, 384-, and 1536-well microplates, deep well plates, PCR plates
(e.g Eppendorf®Brandt®Nunc®Greiner Bio-One®)
Tubes0.2 / 0.5 / 1.5 / 2.0 ml standard microcentrifuge tubes
(e.g. Eppendorf®Standard tubesSafe-Lock microcentrifuge tubesPCR tubes)
Glass vials2.0 / 4.0 / 6.0 ml vials with cylindrical shape
(e.g. Zinsser-Analytic®)
otherson request


Temperature rangeAdjustable from -20°C to 99.9°C
Up to 24 Kelvin under room temperature, depends on thermo adapter
Typical range +4°C to 99.9°C

(conditions: RT = 21°C, Adapter: 2016-1041, 96-well PCR, adapter temperature)
Temperature settingAdjustable from -20°C to 99.9°C
0.1°C increment
Temperature accuracy± 0.1°C

Temperature uniformity

± 1.0 K at 4°C
± 0.5 K at 45°C
± 0.7 K at 75°C
± 1.0 K at 95°C
Cooling/Heating speed above RTca. 12 K/min  above RT
6 min from RT to 95°C
6min from 95°C to RT 
depend on the used thermo adapter

Cooling/Heating speed below RT

ca. 6-12 K/min below RT
4-5 min from ambient to 4°C
4-5 min from 4°C to ambient
depend on the used thermo adapter

Device control

Electronic control board

Completely accommodated in the smallest housing
Non external controller or components


Micro controller (32-Bit-ARM-Cortex-M3-Prozessor)

Operation control

Remote controlled

User interface

RS232 interface
(2.0 m connecting cable)

Status & alarmLED in corner area
green = ok | red = booting / alarm | yellow = no communication  


Operating Voltages

24 VDC input  .   Imax: 4.5 A  .  Peff: 85 Watt  .  Pmax: 108 Watt

External power supplyExternal power supply unit
(CE/UL/CSA approved, 85-264 VAC, 47-63 Hz, 120W, IEC/EN60320-1 C14)


Housing MaterialAluminum anodized, black
Environment operating range+15°C to 32°C
10-80 % max. relative humidity (non condensing)
0-2000 m above sea level

Condensate can prevent the devices from operating properly and can damage the ColdPlate.
Condensate should be eliminated on a daily basis or more often, for example by heating cycles in between cooling cycles.
Dimensions (W x D x H)

142 mm x 99 mm x 79 mm  (without adapter)
142 mm x 99 mm x 90 mm (with 96 well PCR adapter)

Weight 1.4 kg (3.086 lbs)



Slim Version

Contact us to bring your project ideas to life with our innovation!


Here we present an overview of available standard adapters, compatible with all automation units:

BioShake 3000 | BioShake 3000-T | BioShake 3000-T elm | BioShake D30-T elm | BioShake Q1 | HeatPlate | ColdPlate



2016-1021 | Microplate . Flat bottom standard
2016-1022 | Microplate . Flat bottom High Base
2016-1032 | Microplate . 96 well round bottom
2016-1033 | Microplate . 96 well round bottom . Greiner
2016-1201 | Microplate . Corning® 96/320 µl V-bottom

PCR microplates

2016-1041 | PCR plate . Eppendorf® 96/150µl 
2016-1042 | PCR plate . Bio-Rad® 96/150µl 
2016-1051 | PCR plate . Eppendorf® 384/40µl

Deep well & storage plates

2016-1121 | Deep well . Eppendorf® 96/500-1000 µl
2016-1141 | Deep well . BRAND®/Trefflabs® 96/1.1 ml
2016-1151 | Deep well . NUNC®/Axygen® 96/2.0 ml
2016-1161 | Deep Well . Axygen® 96/0.6 ml
2016-1171 | Deep Well . Abgene® 96/2.2 ml
2016-1172 | Deep Well . Abgene®/HJ-Bio®/Greiner® 96/0.8-1.2 ml
2016-1181 | Deep Well . Sarstedt® 96/2.2 ml Megablock
2016-1214 | Deep well  . Axygen®/Corning®/StarLab® 96/2.0 ml
2016-1218 | Deep well . Apricot® 96/2.2 ml
2016-1219 | Deep well . KingFisher® 24 well
2016-1220 | Deep well . KingFisher® 96 well V-bottom
2016-1231 | Deep well . Axygen® 24/10 ml
2016-1234 | Deep well . Axygen® 96/0.5 ml
2016-1215 | 24 well  . Whatman® Uniplate
2016-1217 | Storage plate . NUNC® 96/450 µl

Tubes & Stripes & Vials

Conical shape

2016-1060 | Tubes . 15x 5.0 ml
2016-1061 | Tubes . 24x 2.0 ml . 15x 0.5 ml
2016-1062 | Tubes . 24x 1.5 ml . 15x 0.5 ml
2016-1063 | Tubes . 40x 0.5 ml . 28x 0.2 ml
2016-1225 | Tubes lid open upwards . 24x 1.5 ml
2016-1229 | Tubes lid open downwards . 24x 1.5 ml
2016-1064 | PCR Tubes/Stripes/Plates . 96x 0.25 ml
2016-1093 | FALCON® tubes . 5x 50 ml
2016-1094 | FALCON® Tubes . 12x 15 ml

Cylindrical shape

2016-1069 | Vials . 35x 2.0 ml Ø 10.8 mm
2016-1071 | Vials . 35x 2.0 ml Ø 12 mm
2016-1080 | Vials . 35x 2.0 ml Ø 12.5 mm
2016-1078 | Vials . 24x 2.0 ml Ø 12.7 mm
2016-1081 | Vials . 30x 2.0 ml Ø 13 mm
2016-1072 | Vials . 24x 4.0 ml Ø 15 mm
2016-1073 | Vials . 20x 4.0 ml Ø 17 mm
2016-1074 | Vials . 20x 6.0 ml Ø 19 mm
2016-1083 | Vials . 8x 20.0 ml Ø 23 mm
2016-1082 | Vials . 8x 20.0 ml Ø 28 mm
2016-1300 | Glass Petri dish . 1x Ø 60 mm


2016-1311 | Biomek® Reservoir . 2x 75.0 ml
2016-1312 | Biomek® Reservoir . 4x 40.0 ml
2016-1315 | Tecan® Reservoir . 5x 25.0 ml
2016-1325 | Reservoir DW flat bottom base
2016-1327 | Reservoir DW 24 pyramids base
2016-1326 | Reservoir DW 96 pyramids base
2016-1320 | Reservoir SW flat bottom base
2016-1328 | Reservoir SW 4-row base
2016-1329 | Reservoir DW 8-row base
2016-1330 | Reservoir DW 2-column base
2016-1331 | Reservoir DW 3-column base
2016-1332 | Reservoir DW 4-column base
2016-1333 | Reservoir DW 12-column base

Test software

QCOM 3 is a small test software with a graphical user interface (GUI) to control lab automation instruments from QInstruments, eg. BioShake, ColdPlate, HeatPlate. The main purpose of QCOM 3 is to get easy access to the unit to execute initial testing.
QCOM 3 now supports the TiltStation

SILA 2 compliant driver

SiLA® is the global initiative to standardize software interfaces in the field of life science research instrumentation. Instigated by the pharmaceutical industry′s need for flexible laboratory automation, the initiative is supported by major device and software suppliers worldwide.

The SiLA® consortium for Standardization in Lab Automation develops and introduces new interface and data management standards allowing rapid integration of lab automation systems. SiLA is a not-for-profit membership corporation with a global footprint and is open to institutions, corporations and individuals active in the life science lab automation industry. Leading system manufacturers, software suppliers, system integrators and Pharma/Biotech corporations have joined the SiLA® consortium and contribute in different technical work groups with their highly skilled experts.

QInstruments provides approved SILA® driver 1 for all BioShake units.

For development of SILA compliant software we work in close cooperation with Equicon.

To obtain help for installing and running the driver, please contact us.

Step into a Cold, Cold World.

For robot systems QInstruments offers an extremely robust and smooth heater/cooling module. Designed for automation, the black colored premium instrument ColdPlate defines the new standard for microplate cooling and heating.

First presented in spring time 2018 and updated while the winter time 2019 we have taken this novel automation module to a whole new level with features that go further. Highly improved accuracy, internal algorithms and sensors enable smooth operating with long lifetime.

"For those who prefer technical perfection and functional design, the novel ColdPlate heater/cooler are the perfect choice, made in Germany."

Contact us to bring your project ideas to life with our innovation!